San Francisco Skyline

San Francisco Skyline

27 January 2011

A Salty Outlook

This is a Tealia Anemone.  I took this shot in Monterey, California between 1999 and 2004.

41st Annual International Photo Competition SEA2004 - 3rd Place Open Macro
Monterey California 11/2004

This is Brown Cup Coral and approximately 3/4 to 1 inch in size.  You are only seeing a portion of the coral in this image.  The image itself was taken in 2000 in Monterey California.

This image was taken at the Monterey Bay Aquarium.  The Aggregating Anemone is approximately 6 inches across.

Another Tealia Anemone taken in 1999 in Monterey California.

Several years ago, my son and daughter-in-law built a saltwater coral reef tank.  This beauty was in their tank for a couple of years.  Image taken in Chico, California approximately 2007.

19th Annual Beach Photo Competition - 3rd Place Novice Macro
Monterey California 6/2000

Not much is know about this marine life.  We call it a "Radar Dish Worm."  The worm creates the structure you see here by using its siliva and sand.  The worm lives inside the tube.  To eat, the worm "spins a web" around the "fingers" so it will catch debris in the water.  Later the worm comes out and "sucks" up the "web" to eat.  Very interesting process.

19th Annual Beach Photo Competition - 2nd Place Novice Macro
Monterey California 6/2000

This little fish is a sculpin.  The "pumpkin seeds" that he is laying across are actually Whelk eggs.  A Whelk is a are snail.

Monterey Shootout Photo Competition - 2nd Place Novice Macro
Monterey California 8/2000

This is a hermit crab with his house covered in barnacles!

Monterey Shootout Photo Competition - 2nd Place Novice Mystery Photo "Camera in Hand"
Monterey California 8/2000

This is Alicia by best friend and dive partner in all photo competitions.  She is shooting a Sand Anemone which can get up to 24 inches across.  This one is only about 12-18 inches.  You can see several of our friends tagging along on this shoot.

20th Annual Beach Competition - 3rd Place Novice Marine Life Cagetory
Monterey California  6/2001

I started shooting underwater in 1997 to shot my husband that sharks were not going to eat me!  The "snapshot" photography turned into upgrading my camera equipment and entering into photo competititions with others in the Monterey Bay area.  The first year I entered was 1999 and didn't even place, but it gave me the feel of what I was up against for the later years.

With the exception of the SEA2004 image, the other competition images are very small in pixels.  My slides are packed away, so this is the best I can do at the moment.

I miss the days of competition and diving.  But as you will see in this blog, my passion as turned towards Landscape Photography.

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